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The Train of Life
An eventful journey through life

The journey through life is often associated with a train ride. It has its own stations, destinations, and surprises. Just like any other mode of transportation, trains have engineers that maneuver the ride.
Similar to that of a train, the train of life goes on and on. We cannot decide when to stop the journey; we can only decide when to get on and which station to get off.
On the day we were born, we step on the train of life with our parents. As the train goes through the trails of life, we see and meet different people who ride on the train and get off at some point.
Along that train ride, our parents take off and leave us to continue the train ride.
One of my poems describes the journey we go through life. The poem, “Train of Life,” depicts a magnificent ride from birth. The persona was able to meet different people and encounter a lot of stations.
These stations reflect the encounters that most of us experienced.
The first line of the poem shows the birth of the persona where he/she enters the train. The line states, “I boarded the train of life when I was born.” The boarding of the train signifies birth; it is the start of the persona’s journey through life.
The following stanzas of the poem show an innocent child’s view of the world. While traveling with this train I saw that everything was beautiful. For a child, everything and everyone is created for a purpose.
On the train I could see untold beauty
Everywhere, even on the tops of the mountains;
And in the depths of the valleys low
I did not see anything that was without purpose there below
The first stop of the train of life is the station named Patience. For most people, patience does not come easily. Everyone is always buzzing around that they forget what matters most.
Childhood is one of the best moments that teenagers are eager to leave behind. Young people are rushing to grow up that they miss to enjoy their youth.
They are forgetting that time passed can never be taken back. When they are all grown up, they end up regretting their impatience and crave to bring youth back.
We arrived at the station called Patience
Where I had to remain for a long time;
Where compassion was shown to me
And I learned how to live.
The station of Patience teaches people of waiting for the right moment in life. Things should not be rushed for the reward is greater when the waiting is longer.
The next stop of the train of life was the station of Relationship. This is the station that many people longed to arrive. Relationship does not necessarily pertain to romance; it could simply refer to companionship.
No man is an island, and we need the compassion and companionship of other people. Relationships connect people to one another; this connection serves as a foundation in building life. Why?
Simple. Relationships increase a person’s emotional being. We interact with different persons that help us learn more about ourselves. Through these interactions, we learn what we like, dislike, want, and need.
Without relationships, we remain empty and unconnected with our true selves.
The station that comes after is one of the outcomes of relationships—Friendship. When two people interact and form a connection, friendship is then conceived.
In friendship, people find someone they can trust and count on. However, not all friendships are genuine and true. There are times that betrayal runs true in friendship, leaving the person in pain and scarred.
And it stopped at the station called Friendships,
Where I met much hypocrisy in relationships.
Even with such trials, the train of life goes on then stops at the station of Love. This station creates great stories that lead to different outcomes.
Love is not the tingly, fuzzy feeling that one has , but the decision of being committed to someone for life , based on respect, understanding communication affection and sacrifice. Involves giving and sharing life with another person in good times, in bad times, in critical times and in between times. The greatest example of love is Jesus Christ who loved us so much that He gave His life for us, so that we will be saved. Love involves a price is not cheap.
But many were not ready
To take the responsibility
The persona travels further and comes across two stations that will leave both bitter and sweet memories. The stations Pleasure and Lust bring about the person’s worldly desires.
But these desires mere bring forth temporary happiness. Once the fires are extinguished, they leave behind cuts and burns that take years to heal.
With the trials faced, the persona encounters diverging roads. One is that of Hatred and Lie while the other is of Truth and Wonder.
The symbolism of diverging roads is commonly used in literature; Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken is one of the most popular pieces to depict this.
These roads usually emerge when a person is experiencing great trials and needed to choose a path. The choice is crucial for it shall shape the future and determines life’s destination.
However, in times of crisis, when we stumble in our road to victory, there is one that we call upon—God.
In the long train ride, we should never forget that God is by our side to guide us toward the City of Joy. Through His blessings and guidance, we shall arrive to our destination.
Finally, the last destination
Is the station named Eternity,
Where there is no limitation
And where we want to arrive with joy and purity.
The train of life shall keep on going, no matter how many stations you pass by; it is never in our power to stop the train of life.
Negativity may eat your mind into thinking that your train has left you behind, but always remember that only you have the power to choose when to ride your train.
How is your journey on the train of life? What stations have you arrived at? Share your thoughts by posting them in the comment box below. You can also share them with me personally through Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads. Read more inspiring life poems by acquiring my book, Praises in the Storm. Thank you for reading this blog and hope you have a good day!
Benamati, Kelly. 2017. “Why We Really Need Relationships in Life.” Huffington Post, March 19. Accessed July 12, 2018.
Sweat, Rebecca. 2004. “Whatever Happened to Childhood?” Vision. Accessed July 12, 2018.