
"Thank you for teaching me how to seek The Word of God.Thank you for your profound dedication to helping others in meaningful ways."

triumph over death

Triumph over Death

Mihaela Hegstrom September 17, 2018

Christ’s victory over death


Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

—John 12:24


The parable above is the parable of the grain of wheat. This is one of the many predictions on the impending crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Go . . .


Celebrating nature and holidays through poetry

Mihaela Hegstrom September 12, 2018

Nature and Holidays as Subjects

Life has plenty of things worth rejoicing. Although some days do not turn out as desired, there isn’t a reason not to wake up and hope for the best. So, if you secure even the smallest victories, go ahead and enjoy them.

Nature is one of poetry’s celebrated subjects. Poets have woven i . . .

friendship with the divine

Friendship with the Divine

Mihaela Hegstrom September 6, 2018

Set apart the friend you want and need to be

When pondering deeply on some of the most essential aspects in life, friendship often comes to the surface. We value friends, who helped us through the difficult times, higher than those who we only share good times. These friends are set apart than the others because they are precious.


One such frie . . .


Satan, the Concealer of Truth

Mihaela Hegstrom August 30, 2018

Satan, Jesus, Truth, and a powerful poetry

It all started with a single lie. Satan deceived one-third of the angels in heaven that angered the Almighty God and cast them all away from His place (Revelation 12:4–9).

Since then, Satan, together with his army of co . . .

eventful journey through life like a train

The Train of Life

Mihaela Hegstrom August 23, 2018

An eventful journey through life

The journey through life is often associated with a train ride. It has its own stations, destinations, and surprises. Just like any other mode of transportation, trains have engineers that maneuver the ride.

Similar to that of a tra . . .

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Mihaela S. Hegstrom

Born in Bucharest, Romania, Mihaela S. Hegstrom earned her degree in mechanical engineering . . .

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