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How to Triumph Over Life Struggles

Mihaela Hegstrom September 25, 2018

Overcoming daily struggles through God’s guidance


The waiting grows increasingly hard;

My heart is heavy with care and is restless

Because all around is much danger and pain,

And I feel weak and powerless.


Struggling to make a decision? Time to change careers, accept a promotion, move on to a new company, or move to a new city? There comes a time in life when we have to make choices. It can be a small or a big decision, but making them can be a real struggle.


Life is never supposed to be easy. It is full of ups and downs, triumphs and failures, happiness and grief. However, people who experience great struggles in life sometimes forget that these hardships are temporary and can be solved. Although many times these problems seem too heavy to solve, one must remember that with the help and guidance from the Lord, nothing is impossible.


Power is needed for me to restrain

When temptation comes—

Temptation which can result in pain

When I am not guided by Your arms.


Dealing with struggles and pain depends on your perspective. If you look at them as big burdens, then you may have a hard time getting over your struggles. Getting stuck in a cycle of struggles can be very miserable. However, if we can see problems as challenges or as a chance to improve, then our struggle can be a catalyst for change or a nudge of inspiration to move forward. We would just have to remember that whatever struggles or life crises we face, there is always a way out.


Power is needed for me to abstain—

Power to be able to speak sensibly

When by surprise I am constrained

To hear explanatory words spoken so convincingly.


There is a process to enable us to break the vicious cycle of struggle. Here are a few steps to help us get over this hump of indecision:


  1. The first step of solving any problem is to recognize that there is a problem. By identifying the problem, we can then start to analyze it and look for solutions.
  2. Make a decision. After acknowledging the problem is the perfect time to stop worrying and start acting. We must be accountable to ourselves and decide that we must find a solution to our problems and stick with it.
  3. Find courage to reach out. Oftentimes, reaching out will help if we could find someone we can trust and share our problems. By sharing our struggle, we find another perspective on how to go about and solve our problems.
  4. All the planning and aid will be all for anything if there is no action done. Take it step by step and realize that sometimes, overcoming our struggles will take a bit longer to overcome.
  5. Have faith. Always have faith and believe that God is ready to help in times of need. Surrender all your cares to Him and let Him reassure and strengthen you to help deal with your struggles.

What is likewise needed is understanding,

Sensitivity, and discretion

To make the good choice of bringing

To You our need for Your intervention.


What is needed is Your great care and love;

There is need for much prayer, much intercession,

Because our relationship is attacked

And our souls are wounded and need direction.


We must always take inspiration from the Bible, just like what is written in James 1:12: “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.”


For more inspirational poetry and essays, don’t forget to check my book, The Mysteries of My Soul. You can also leave your comments and suggestions on my Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.





Fouks, Hannah. 2017. “4 Steps for Dealing with Struggles.” Odyssey, January 16. Accessed July 31, 2018.


Howes, Lewis. 2016. “Overcome the Struggle and Take Control of Your Life,” in Five Minute Friday. The School of Greatness podcast, recorded September 2. Accessed July 31, 2018.


Richard, Courtnaye. 2017. “How to Handle Your Struggles.”, June 26. Accessed July 31, 2018.



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Mihaela S. Hegstrom

Born in Bucharest, Romania, Mihaela S. Hegstrom earned her degree in mechanical engineering . . .

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