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Why Do We Need Salvation?
Poetry resonates the human need for salvation
And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
—Acts 2:21
The New Testament tells us how Jesus Christ saved us from sin—He was betrayed, tortured, and crucified. On the third day since His death, He was resurrected, and all the souls in purgatory rose to heaven. Jesus Christ died to cleanse the earth from sin. In His time, He was the people’s salvation.
Thousands of years later, this story has been retold from generation to generation. Jesus saved the people then, so what do we need saving for? Why do we need the Savior and His salvation? Jesus died for our sins, He who was sinless took on Him the sins of the entire world and crucified them to the cross. Then He was put in a tomb that never was used before and a heavy stone was losing the tomb. The stone was sealed with the emperor’s ring. But He resurrected on the third day, thus reconciling us with God, the Father. After His resurrection, He showed Himself to more than five hundred people and He gave His Holy Spirit to those who were with Him.
The same thing is true today. Jesus is our only Savior, who offers us His salvation through belief in Him through the power of the Holy Spirit. He imparts His Holy Spirit to whomever comes to Him in humility and confesses his or her sin and receives Him as Lord and Savior and His salvation through the sacrifice from the cross.
The power of resurrection is evident today in the life of everyone who is transformed by Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Everyone on earth has one thing in common—sin. We commit sin, not only through our actions but also through our thoughts and words. People cannot escape sin as we are born with it. We inherited this when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s only commandment in the Garden of Eden. It is often through sins that our connection with God is severed.
Sin may come in bouts of anger, stubborn pride, lustful thoughts, envious beliefs, voracious cravings, insatiable greed, and even destructive lazy moments. Sin leads people astray. When the spiritual ties with God are severed, our souls are left hungry. That is why we feel empty and alone sometimes. Even though material luxury is abundant, when we forget God, the emptiness in our hearts will never be filled. But then, if there is no one to turn to, to whom do we go? It is then we should call on God.
A poem from my collection depicts a similar scenario where God saves a suffering soul. The poem describes our need for salvation in times of trials and crises.
“Searches,” one of the inspiring poems in Praises in the Storm, shows a person suffering from pain, fear, and sin. This person calls out to the Lord with all his or her humble being.
With tears and faith,
I come to You, to victory,
And in my great distress
I bring You my poor being.
Most people are similar. In times of great suffering, there is no one to turn to but God. We are His sheep, and He is our shepherd. Even in a flock of a hundred sheep, God will always seek the one who went astray.
Then You searched me out
And You showed me, divine Lamb
That before You, I can bow
Knowing that everything will be well.
Once we acknowledge our sin and repent, God gives us His blessing of forgiveness, the salvation that brings us back to the flock. Our connection with God is then restored.
I learned to look to You
And not to trust in myself,
To call You to my aid,
Just as You have said.
There will be times when worldly temptations will be too hard to resist. During those times, we often push God to the background while sin infects our hearts and minds. There will be times when we would feel down, disappointed, depressed, ashamed, insecure, and hopeless. But then, after a moment’s reflection, God’s voice will reach our hearts. What we need to do is to call out His name, and we will be saved.
What are your thoughts on salvation? Share them in the comments below. You can also share them with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads. Read more inspiring poems from my published collection, Praises in the Storm.
Owens, Nellie. n.d. “Why Do I Need Salvation?” Active Christianity. Accessed June 27, 2018.
Wright, David. 2010. “Why Do We Need a Savior?” Answers in Genesis, December 24. Accessed June 27, 2018.